Monday, July 18, 2011

Money Makers!

Head over to and print this high value coupon for Bengay!  Go to the healthcare section and print  the $5 off any Bengay coupon.

This is a money maker at Wal-Mart since Bengay is regularly priced $4.23

You could also save this coupon to use on 7/31 there will be a $2 off in ad Rite Aid coupon to pair with this high value manufacturer coupon.

While you are at go to the office supply section and print the $1 off Bic for a money maker at Target.  Bic Cristal pens are 50 cents this week!

Hurry, these coupons won't last!


  1. How do you know that far ahead what the CVS ad will be? I did notice that on Wednesday I knew what Sundays would be but not that far ahead! Are you working for the coupon mafia? lol :)

  2. You can also get a $1 off Scotch Magic tape from, which will make your Target deal a money maker. They won't give cash back like I think Walmart does, but they'll apply the overage to the rest of your purchases.

  3. Thanks Lissa! Always appreciate your comments!

  4. And Stacey, I cannot reveal my sources, hehe


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